Project List View
The Schedule home page is where you can see a list of projects and schedules, which includes a Gantt chart that illustrates project work and time periods. When a new project is created in InEight Platform, a workspace in Schedule is automatically added and linked to the project, which shows in the Project List view.
You can select multiple schedules on the Schedule home workspaces page, and then choose from the options to delete, copy or move. A locked schedule cannot be moved or deleted.
You can change the name of workspaces, folders, and IDs on the page by double-clicking the entry in the field.
A Gantt chart is built in to the Schedule home page. The schedule Gantt chart illustrates horizontal lines representing work over a period in relation to the time planned for the work.
Schedule folders
You can create and manage multiple project folders inside of a workspace to better organize your schedules. Schedule project folders act as storage containers that help you group like schedules into manageable repositories.
You can create up to three levels of folders to organize your schedules into, conditional upon how you want to build out the hierarchy of your folder structures.
When you import schedules, there is a new Folder drop-down to select which folder to place the schedule into.
You can move schedules into specified folders.
Schedule type
The schedule type shows a corresponding color scheme in the Gantt chart.
Schedule Type | Definition |
None | No schedule type selected. |
Active Estimate | Represents the latest project agreed schedule based on the construction estimate. |
Inactive Estimate | Represents the previous iterations of schedules based on the construction estimate. |
Active Baseline | Represents the latest submitted/client approved construction baseline. |
Inactive Baseline | Represents previous iterations of submitted/client approved construction baselines |
Re-Baseline | Represents a copy of a schedule that has been re-baselined prior to submittal/client approval. |
Active Update | Represents the current iteration of a schedule that is actively being executed. |
Inactive Update | Represents previous iterations of a schedule being executed. |
Planned | Represents variations of schedules at conceptual phases of a project. |
What If | Represents variations of schedules designed to test how different scenarios impact the overall time line. Used for schedule comparison. |
You can change the Schedule type values to change the colors of the horizontal lines in the Gantt chart.
Locked Columns
The active baseline schedule type now automatically locks the schedule and converts it into a read-only state, which includes the Gantt grid, all Iris fields, and the Import icon. The locked read only state is applied to all views and impacts any functionality that involves the changing of data.
Active baselines are contractual schedule agreements between contractors and owners with infrequent changes. Some scenarios require active baselines to never change, which requires the active baseline to become locked.
The Risk register and Manage Review Cycle views are also in a locked and view only state, but data can still be exported from the Risk register.
The Markup and Schedule Review views are disabled when the project is in a read-only state.